Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Fun fun fun my crazy weekend

Hey guys and gals

Hope your all doing ok!!!  Just wanted to share with you my fun filled weekend just gone.  So saturday pm we had a pioneer meeting.  Not the official one just a nice encouraging gathering.  Not just the regular pioneers but also the auxillary pioneers and also all who are showing interest in starting up which was an extra 10 by the way.  Wow great eh.  So our service overseer brian set up a chart and we all filled in our names when we go out and then we all could see who needs a partner and when.  It worked so so well.  Over half there have made new arrangements and that night 2 filled in reg forms.  Also all the pioneers were given assignments to help encourage the potential new pioneers and also those struggling so it was nice to feel we all have something to give.  To explain the Pic of the donkey.  It was about our schedule being overloaded.  Gave us a good laugh too.

This isnt all the pioneers.  3 were missing and 3 were on
the platform taking pics on the platform.
We have now got even more groups which is great for us all.  Due to the chart they can see when there are alot of us wanting to go out so elders are making changes to the schedule.  And all 4 elders are making a goal to going out on sundays too.  So this service year is going to be great.

So on sunday am I left my house early to go and stay with Michelle a lovely missionary sister in the next cong down.  Her husband tom was away on a  RBC project and she has been a bit unwell so nice to have some company and a good girly weekend.  So I left the house and all I could see all around were dark dark clouds.  So on the bus the heavens opened.  And when I say rain I mean rain.  They call it white rain here.  Like a blanked just falls from the sky.  Normally the drivers are like a bullet from a gun but this driver was so sensible which was good because as we turned a corner there was this giant blur walking accross the road.  A huge pig.  We survived as did the pig.

Went to michelles meeting which was really nice.  Its a big hall.  Alot were missing due to the rain.  Its culture here that if you go out in the rain and get your head wet you will have a stroke.  Oh yeah they really believe it too.

Then we went on service with michelles study who has just been made a publisher.  She did so well on her new RV and she even has her own bible study already.

We passed by something on the road that is best shown in picture than description.  Lets you see guyanas nature at its best.

Oh yeah it is what you think it is.  Poor little well not so little aligator.

So we had a great girly time.  Watched movies and she gave me great bread making lessons.  And this is what we saw in her garden.
It was as big as my hand

Italian baguettes mmmmmmmmmm

Then I went to ambers house.  A lovely sister from the Us who is in the sign language field.  She has been in guyana for a few more weeks than me.  She is really sick with glandular fever so has decided to go home till she gets well and strong again.  So I went to help operation pack with shannon.  So she is in all our prayers for a speedy recovery.

So that was my fun filled weekend.  Torrential rain, giant guyanese creatures, girly bonding fun and a great pioneer weekend.

May sound a bit boring to you but to me it was a lot of fun.

Also my flat mate melinda is all better now so is full of zeal getting back into her ministry routine.  She left the house 6am monday and didnt come back till 4pm.  Great eh.

Miss you all alot

Stay warm

love Natalie

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