Hello to you all.
Well this is a blog full of everything. So we have our 1 day assembly so no meeting thursday. So we decided to have a random dance party. To teach the kids some of the US line dancing.
It was so much fun. Our plan was to do popcorn and snacks and drinks. Well 2 fab cooks in our hall made some yummy dishes.
We had fried plantain called bakabani with a scrummy peanut satay sauce and guyanese chicken curry and dahl puri. Kind of like a flatbread filled with crushed spiced dahl. Mmmmmmmm. You eat it with your fingers. And we danced the night away and then the boys played baseball and soccer(football) and just laughed alot.

Then friday am a bus full from skeldon joined the ranks of cleaners at the assembly grounds. So we were assigned to clean the whole upper seating area. Oh yeah that means sweeping with our TWIGS. Then wiping all the walls and benches to clean off the geko and bat poop then mop all the floors.
Its me I promise. Be glad Im blurred after all the cleaning I did in the hot sun. Not a pretty sight
Then the brothers had to build and then paint our contribution boxes from giant egg boxes
Our secretary Sateesh needed to take a 5 for a moment and then back to work
Everything had to be set up for the baptism pool and the deaf translation
Our happy helpers. Its there anniversary tomorrow so they are even more happy
My lovely friends tom and michelle
What a fabulous 1 day assembly. All about Gods word exerts power. Especially with our new bible too. So fab. We had 8 new sisters baptised too which was so lovely including a new sister from our hall. I had 7 studies there. So nice. My new study donella and lisa who is a 7th day Adventist and who loved the whole day and both took notes and my lovely family from Crabwood creek. John tina and their 3 boys. They only could come for the morning but said they loved it all. Cost them a full weeks wage to make the journey.
Then we were invited to a "need greater party" that night. Now remember our dance party on thursday. Well guyanese by nature are shy so its a bit of a battle to get them on the dance floor. WEll for need greaters that is not a problem at all. So we had great food, scrummy puds and dance dance dancing all night long. YEAH
So we went to splashmin which was about 4 1/2 hours away. Had a great day. Its black water unlike the milky coffee coloured 63 beach ocean. And the water was cooler and really refreshing. So we had a great day. Nice white beach. Yummy food and some little extras to keep us warm after being in the water hehehehe.
We never left the water all day really.
Then after a trip to a amusement arcade it was home again. Driving back slow and steady in the dark dodging donkeys and cows and a huge pig along the way. Something I take for granted is going up a escalator. Well they had one in the arcade and a few of our guyanese sisters didnt know what to do. They had never seen one before. Makes me realise what I take for granted.
So what a fun filled weekend. Spiritual blessings and a lot of congregation fun and association. How blessed I am to be here and be part of this beautiful congregation.
Hope I havent bored you all too much.
Lots of love Me