Well me and Jen have been settling in really well. Had an excellent couple of weeks of ministry. We had some really long days and Jen has some excellent potential bible studies to go back on this week. Its been so nice to be back with the bro and sis in my hall here in skeldon. I know I keep saying this all the time but I really do feel like I am a blessed sister to have 2 homes 2 families and 2 lovely congregations to call home. How fortunate am I eh!!
So we had our 3 day convention which was so so great as you all know. We only got the friday of the convention in newcastle so was great to listen to the full 3 days. We had about 1000 attendance each day and 3 members of the Trinidad Branch committee so that was really nice. All the brothers give so many parts each. Lack of brothers here. But all went really well even though it mega poured on friday.
We had different kids sitting with us each day and had fun on the wooden benches for 3 days oooohhhh numb bum oh yeah!!!! Jen says she will never complain again with the seating at newcastle. One thing we both agree on is the standard of singing in guyana. Newcastle has almost 7000 we only had 1000 and the singing was utterly stunning. Really moving to hear. If we could of recorded it you would all love it. Every one was singing out from their heart. So that was really really special.
And all the local bro and sis and other need greaters made us both feel so so welcome.
So on sunday we travelled with a brothers bus from our hall to georgetown for the final day of the convention there. It was so great to see all the brothers and sisters from more of guyana. The attendance was 5579 on the sunday and on saturday guess how many were baptised. 60. That is a whole new congregation. There are about 3000 publishers in guyana so it tells you the amount of interest at the convetion too. There were so many I saw in casual clothes and alot with the invitation which was so encouraging to see. There were alot of bro and sis from Lethem and Matthews ridge and baramita so it was so nice to catch up with my friends. Many had to save up for the whole year to make it to the convention taking on extra work to have the funds to make the long trip from the interior. Now in Berbice convention we sat on planks of wood with also a thin plank of wood for a technical back support. Not the case at georgetown. And we left at 5am to make it there so we were all abit aching by the end of the day but loved hearing the sunday program again and seeing the drama again. It had poured on the friday morning and the first talk couldnt be clearly heard due to the metal roof. And everyone in the audience got soaked. Then when the guyanese hot sun comes out all in the front 10 or so rows have to put up their umberellas for shade. Makes you apprecitate the assembly and convention sites in the UK. Jen said she wont complain ever again back home.
Side point to let you know how satan works. I had 5 studies planning the trip to our assembly on sunday. That is 5 days wage for the 5 tickets. Well on saturday night a "thief" man broke in and destroyed their front door and caused a lot of damage in their kitchen and living area. Just goes to show how satan wants to stop progress. So I got a very apologetic text on sunday morning saying how upset they were they couldnt make it.
So I thought I would introduce you to my studies and the few new ones I have started since coming back so you know who Im talking about. Also Jen is having a great time starting studies. I think up to now she has 5 started and its only been 2 weeks here, amazing eh!! Pioneer paradise it is.
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