This just gives you a taste for how much you have to change your ministry focus and style when you come here. Jen has had a great almost 3 weeks of service here as I have already blogged but today she said she is actually started to get bored of saying the same presentation so many times to so many people per morning. So she is working on mixing things up by carrying different types of literature to offer her more variety as the volume of people that listen here is just so high. Have you ever heard of such a thing. I asked her if she ever has that issue at home and the answer was no. But here almost everyone is at home and almost everyone wants to listen so you have to adjust so much from the english way. Also she is getting more in the way of placing more literature. Again back home you are more cautious of not wasting literature but here people value bible literature so so much you can place a brochure or tract with someone and then also offer them the latest mags and they will eat it up which is fabulous but does take some getting used to. So many times you walk away from a door and see the householder reading through what you left them. I did warn her this is pioneers paradise hehehehe. The thing is here as Ive said before education is so limited so you have to simplify your presentation so much, so in the beginning its good to stick to one literature offer until you get to know how to speak to the householder in a simple way but within just a few short weeks she is getting bored as there is just so much interest. Can you imagine coming home from service being shattered from talking to interested people so much. Amazing isnt it. Im so so happy for her so thought you would like to know how we have spent our friday night. Raiding the literature stores so jen has more variety for saturday morning service.
Hope you all have a great weekend.
Love Me
Friday, 26 July 2013
First 2 weeks over!!!!
So we had our 3 day convention which was so so great as you all know. We only got the friday of the convention in newcastle so was great to listen to the full 3 days. We had about 1000 attendance each day and 3 members of the Trinidad Branch committee so that was really nice. All the brothers give so many parts each. Lack of brothers here. But all went really well even though it mega poured on friday.
We had different kids sitting with us each day and had fun on the wooden benches for 3 days oooohhhh numb bum oh yeah!!!! Jen says she will never complain again with the seating at newcastle. One thing we both agree on is the standard of singing in guyana. Newcastle has almost 7000 we only had 1000 and the singing was utterly stunning. Really moving to hear. If we could of recorded it you would all love it. Every one was singing out from their heart. So that was really really special.
And all the local bro and sis and other need greaters made us both feel so so welcome.

So on sunday we travelled with a brothers bus from our hall to georgetown for the final day of the convention there. It was so great to see all the brothers and sisters from more of guyana. The attendance was 5579 on the sunday and on saturday guess how many were baptised. 60. That is a whole new congregation. There are about 3000 publishers in guyana so it tells you the amount of interest at the convetion too. There were so many I saw in casual clothes and alot with the invitation which was so encouraging to see. There were alot of bro and sis from Lethem and Matthews ridge and baramita so it was so nice to catch up with my friends. Many had to save up for the whole year to make it to the convention taking on extra work to have the funds to make the long trip from the interior. Now in Berbice convention we sat on planks of wood with also a thin plank of wood for a technical back support. Not the case at georgetown. And we left at 5am to make it there so we were all abit aching by the end of the day but loved hearing the sunday program again and seeing the drama again. It had poured on the friday morning and the first talk couldnt be clearly heard due to the metal roof. And everyone in the audience got soaked. Then when the guyanese hot sun comes out all in the front 10 or so rows have to put up their umberellas for shade. Makes you apprecitate the assembly and convention sites in the UK. Jen said she wont complain ever again back home.
Side point to let you know how satan works. I had 5 studies planning the trip to our assembly on sunday. That is 5 days wage for the 5 tickets. Well on saturday night a "thief" man broke in and destroyed their front door and caused a lot of damage in their kitchen and living area. Just goes to show how satan wants to stop progress. So I got a very apologetic text on sunday morning saying how upset they were they couldnt make it.
Side point to let you know how satan works. I had 5 studies planning the trip to our assembly on sunday. That is 5 days wage for the 5 tickets. Well on saturday night a "thief" man broke in and destroyed their front door and caused a lot of damage in their kitchen and living area. Just goes to show how satan wants to stop progress. So I got a very apologetic text on sunday morning saying how upset they were they couldnt make it.
So I thought I would introduce you to my studies and the few new ones I have started since coming back so you know who Im talking about. Also Jen is having a great time starting studies. I think up to now she has 5 started and its only been 2 weeks here, amazing eh!! Pioneer paradise it is.
Anita and Paul Bible Teach Book |
Annie and Isha Listen to God |
Tina bible teach book |
Davey and her 4 daughters Good news brochure |
Ronaldo and Ravoldo Debbies sons listen to God |
Seeta and her grand daughter Good News brochure |
Samuel Joey and Romel Bible story book and YPA |
Take Care and miss you all so much. Enjoy the sun back home too
Love Natalie
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Im back in guyana by way of a week in New York !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello All
Sorry I haven't been blogging for a while. I had to head back to UK to visit my lovely family and friends. Wow what a time I have had. I think if I tried I couldn't fill anymore time. So so lovely to see my family and friends. Helps me see that however far away we are we are never alone.

So I'm back in guyana. In a new home. Behind the kingdom hall. Below the missionary couple brian and shannon. Its so so perfect for me and much better for my budget. So Jen has been a super star helping me unpack and get all settled in. My new room looks like a princess palace. I will be living with a fabulous New York sister called melinda but for now she is state side making some $$$$ to come back so we both have our own room

So as I said we came back to guyana via New York. What a trip is all I can say. I think again I couldn't fit more into our great week if we tried. We stayed in the city for 2 nights in apartments owned by bro and sis and had a great city day. Nice and warm. We went on the Staten island ferry to see the statue of liberty and walked a bit across the brooklyn bridge. It along with alot of the city was covered in scaffolding as its all being repaired after the hurricane. Then we explored central park and just wandered and stumbled accross the boathouse restaurant and bar so well 2 single girls in the city what can you do but have a sneaky cocktail eh.
Also we walked around the entrance of the Museum of Natural history but unlike the movie the dinosaurs didnt come to life. Ah sad eh. Then monday morning we caught the train from Grand Central which is spectacular to Patterson and thats when I saw my trisha. Wow a month apart from the girl I have lived so closely with for 6 months was so great. It was pouring with rain but that was ok as we went to visit Patterson and Walkill Bethel.
We had a yummy scrummy lunch in patterson and great tours in both properties. There is so much work and expansion going on there. WE couldnt see the new tuxedo project but loads of the bro and sis are working on it and its almost complete so then loads of construction bro and sis can move in there and be near to build Warwick the new Headquarters.
Right now its just flat land waiting for the final stages of planning permission. So the tours were so amazing. You can really see Jehovahs chariot from the watchtower a few weeks ago charging.
Then we had the best 4 days in the most beautiful part of America. Massachusetts. They live on the Mowhawk Trail which is huge for tourism. Right out in the middle of the woods. Sometimes they see deer and even bears in their garden.
So it was so great to meet up with trishas parents again that had been over to guyana and we also met up with scott and laura underwood who also had visited us in guyana. And what a great day we had with them. We went for a hike to tannery falls and sat at the bottom of the magnificent falls to have our picnic then a great BBQ that night with a lovely older couple. He likes to hunt so brought some of his specialities. Bear and elk. Mmmmm. When it comes to meat Im up to try anything. We sat around a huge campfire and watched all the hummingbirds flying around there lovely garden. They like many others have been involved in the new projects so I have some photos of theirs to share. Also they have done alot of work on the disaster relief work in the states so shared some really emotional stories. How loving our brother hood is. We helped out at trishas circuit pioneer school with the food for the day so that was a lovely added privilege. The journey there was beyond breathtaking. Wow america is so huge and vast. I can see why so many like to visit this area in the "Fall" to see all the trees turning. A pioneer school for the deaf and a relatively quiet lunch as most were signing. The bro and sisters we all so happy to have a school in their language. Then we had a great walk in Albany on a island surrounded by rapids and again there were deer just relaxing. Then a great surprise. Despicable Me 2 at the movies. To some you may think how immature but wow we all loved it. The first movie has very happy memories for me and trisha and lucas in the jungle watching via candle light with bats flying overhead.
So we shopped like mad to get all the goodies and needed things for coming back. Wow it really does make UK shops so tiny by comparison and expensive. All to help make Jens impressions of Guyana a bit easier. And really who doesn't like yummy food eh!!!!!!!!! We went to trishas deaf meeting on Tuesday night. So nice to see how happy she is there and how lovely all the bro and sis are. You have to answer into a camera and then it goes onto 2 huge screens either side of the platform. I answered. One word happy. But it was a great sign to do. And I really am happy so that was another nice experience.
So Friday we were offered accommodation by a lovely elderly Trinidadian sister in Brooklyn so we could see bethel there. We hit the road after a fabulous final brekkie from trishas wonderful mam cathi and then off the Brooklyn we went. BTW don't even get me started on the most delicious huge T bone steak she cooked for us on tuesday night. Got to the city in time for the afternoon tour.
WE were told to let you all know the rumours of Brooklyn disappearing aren't true as of yet. The family is getting bigger as they are preparing for teams to move to tuxedo. WE had a really great tour and the tour guide was so funny. What a privilege to work alongside with the Governing Body. Saw the entrance to there office. The picture was so fitting. Then we got to tour the self guided Archive Room. Its like the proclaimers book right up to date as a tour. What great efforts the bro and sis have gone too to help us see how much Jehovah has blessed us down through the years. I wish I could of done a full video for you all to see but the pics will have to be enough. Please if you ever get the chance you must go and see it. Its so well actually words cant describe it.

We ended our new york trip with one more action packed day in the city. Lucas was our super tour guide. We had a great day. Walked miles and miles. What a great day we had. We saw times square and had a great final meal at Dallas BBQ.
For those that know I love my meat. Mmmmmm. The last meat feast I will be having for a while. And who can say no to a cocktail eh. Then trisha drove us to JFK to start the next part of our journey.
Me and Jen have just survived our first day of ministry in guyana. We had a great day. Walked miles. We both had some excellent talks and the potential for about 4 new studies between us. Then spent the afternoon walking between my studies checking how they are. It was so so amazing to see them all again. Cant wait to get stuck in next week after our convention. Take Care all of you and please continue to keep in touch. Makes me feel not so far away. Will blog again really soon and let you know about the assembly and how we are getting on with our pioneer paradise.
Love Nat
Sorry I haven't been blogging for a while. I had to head back to UK to visit my lovely family and friends. Wow what a time I have had. I think if I tried I couldn't fill anymore time. So so lovely to see my family and friends. Helps me see that however far away we are we are never alone.
So I'm back in guyana. In a new home. Behind the kingdom hall. Below the missionary couple brian and shannon. Its so so perfect for me and much better for my budget. So Jen has been a super star helping me unpack and get all settled in. My new room looks like a princess palace. I will be living with a fabulous New York sister called melinda but for now she is state side making some $$$$ to come back so we both have our own room
So as I said we came back to guyana via New York. What a trip is all I can say. I think again I couldn't fit more into our great week if we tried. We stayed in the city for 2 nights in apartments owned by bro and sis and had a great city day. Nice and warm. We went on the Staten island ferry to see the statue of liberty and walked a bit across the brooklyn bridge. It along with alot of the city was covered in scaffolding as its all being repaired after the hurricane. Then we explored central park and just wandered and stumbled accross the boathouse restaurant and bar so well 2 single girls in the city what can you do but have a sneaky cocktail eh.
Then we had the best 4 days in the most beautiful part of America. Massachusetts. They live on the Mowhawk Trail which is huge for tourism. Right out in the middle of the woods. Sometimes they see deer and even bears in their garden.
So it was so great to meet up with trishas parents again that had been over to guyana and we also met up with scott and laura underwood who also had visited us in guyana. And what a great day we had with them. We went for a hike to tannery falls and sat at the bottom of the magnificent falls to have our picnic then a great BBQ that night with a lovely older couple. He likes to hunt so brought some of his specialities. Bear and elk. Mmmmm. When it comes to meat Im up to try anything. We sat around a huge campfire and watched all the hummingbirds flying around there lovely garden. They like many others have been involved in the new projects so I have some photos of theirs to share. Also they have done alot of work on the disaster relief work in the states so shared some really emotional stories. How loving our brother hood is. We helped out at trishas circuit pioneer school with the food for the day so that was a lovely added privilege. The journey there was beyond breathtaking. Wow america is so huge and vast. I can see why so many like to visit this area in the "Fall" to see all the trees turning. A pioneer school for the deaf and a relatively quiet lunch as most were signing. The bro and sisters we all so happy to have a school in their language. Then we had a great walk in Albany on a island surrounded by rapids and again there were deer just relaxing. Then a great surprise. Despicable Me 2 at the movies. To some you may think how immature but wow we all loved it. The first movie has very happy memories for me and trisha and lucas in the jungle watching via candle light with bats flying overhead.
So we shopped like mad to get all the goodies and needed things for coming back. Wow it really does make UK shops so tiny by comparison and expensive. All to help make Jens impressions of Guyana a bit easier. And really who doesn't like yummy food eh!!!!!!!!! We went to trishas deaf meeting on Tuesday night. So nice to see how happy she is there and how lovely all the bro and sis are. You have to answer into a camera and then it goes onto 2 huge screens either side of the platform. I answered. One word happy. But it was a great sign to do. And I really am happy so that was another nice experience.
So Friday we were offered accommodation by a lovely elderly Trinidadian sister in Brooklyn so we could see bethel there. We hit the road after a fabulous final brekkie from trishas wonderful mam cathi and then off the Brooklyn we went. BTW don't even get me started on the most delicious huge T bone steak she cooked for us on tuesday night. Got to the city in time for the afternoon tour.
WE were told to let you all know the rumours of Brooklyn disappearing aren't true as of yet. The family is getting bigger as they are preparing for teams to move to tuxedo. WE had a really great tour and the tour guide was so funny. What a privilege to work alongside with the Governing Body. Saw the entrance to there office. The picture was so fitting. Then we got to tour the self guided Archive Room. Its like the proclaimers book right up to date as a tour. What great efforts the bro and sis have gone too to help us see how much Jehovah has blessed us down through the years. I wish I could of done a full video for you all to see but the pics will have to be enough. Please if you ever get the chance you must go and see it. Its so well actually words cant describe it.
We ended our new york trip with one more action packed day in the city. Lucas was our super tour guide. We had a great day. Walked miles and miles. What a great day we had. We saw times square and had a great final meal at Dallas BBQ.
For those that know I love my meat. Mmmmmm. The last meat feast I will be having for a while. And who can say no to a cocktail eh. Then trisha drove us to JFK to start the next part of our journey.
Me and Jen have just survived our first day of ministry in guyana. We had a great day. Walked miles. We both had some excellent talks and the potential for about 4 new studies between us. Then spent the afternoon walking between my studies checking how they are. It was so so amazing to see them all again. Cant wait to get stuck in next week after our convention. Take Care all of you and please continue to keep in touch. Makes me feel not so far away. Will blog again really soon and let you know about the assembly and how we are getting on with our pioneer paradise.
Love Nat
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